Sebagai bank terkemuka di Indonesia saat ini, BRI memberikan kesempatan karir bagi calon potensial untuk bergabung dalam Program Pengembangan Staf BRI (PPS BRI).
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk Jakarta Kantor Wilayah I membutuhkan tenaga kerja handal dan berdedikasi untuk posisi:
* Minimal S1 of all faculties / departments PTN / PTS accredited either
* GPA minimum 2.75 (scale 4) for the inexperienced.
* GPA minimum 2.60 (scale 4) who have experienced the field of Bank Account Officer / Marketing Minimum 1 year.
* Look attractive and have an extensive network.
* Preferably have experience working the field of Accounts Officer of the Bank or Marketing Minimum of 1 year.
* Age max. 30 years for those who have experienced the field of Bank Account Officer / Marketing
* Age max. 25 years for an inexperienced (Fresh Graduate)
* Willing to be stationed in Jakarta Area
Untuk kandidat yang memenuhi syarat AAO Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kanwil Jakarta 1 bisa mengirimkan lamaran lengkap selambat-lambatnya 26 Agustus 2011 (Cap Pos), ke: PO BOX 023 CPA KSBJ 15224 A
Recruitment Procedures
1. The selection process will be held in Jakarta through several stages, namely:
* Phase 1: Selection of administration
* Phase 2: Test of intelligence
* Phase 3: Preliminary Interview with BRI
* Phase 4: work attitude and personality tests and interviews
* Phase 5: The final interview with BRI
* Phase 6: Tests health
2. In this selection process will apply the knockout, which means candidates / applicants who do not qualify at a certain stage is not included in the subsequent test phase.
3. At each stage of selection, only the candidates / applicants with the best qualifications (shortlist candidates) will be included in the next stage of the selection process.
4. The announcement will be displayed through this website and SMS gateway
5. Decisions at each stage of the selection results can not be contested.
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk Jakarta Kantor Wilayah I membutuhkan tenaga kerja handal dan berdedikasi untuk posisi:
* Minimal S1 of all faculties / departments PTN / PTS accredited either
* GPA minimum 2.75 (scale 4) for the inexperienced.
* GPA minimum 2.60 (scale 4) who have experienced the field of Bank Account Officer / Marketing Minimum 1 year.
* Look attractive and have an extensive network.
* Preferably have experience working the field of Accounts Officer of the Bank or Marketing Minimum of 1 year.
* Age max. 30 years for those who have experienced the field of Bank Account Officer / Marketing
* Age max. 25 years for an inexperienced (Fresh Graduate)
* Willing to be stationed in Jakarta Area
Untuk kandidat yang memenuhi syarat AAO Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kanwil Jakarta 1 bisa mengirimkan lamaran lengkap selambat-lambatnya 26 Agustus 2011 (Cap Pos), ke: PO BOX 023 CPA KSBJ 15224 A
Recruitment Procedures
1. The selection process will be held in Jakarta through several stages, namely:
* Phase 1: Selection of administration
* Phase 2: Test of intelligence
* Phase 3: Preliminary Interview with BRI
* Phase 4: work attitude and personality tests and interviews
* Phase 5: The final interview with BRI
* Phase 6: Tests health
2. In this selection process will apply the knockout, which means candidates / applicants who do not qualify at a certain stage is not included in the subsequent test phase.
3. At each stage of selection, only the candidates / applicants with the best qualifications (shortlist candidates) will be included in the next stage of the selection process.
4. The announcement will be displayed through this website and SMS gateway
5. Decisions at each stage of the selection results can not be contested.
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